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PetroWind Gets Approval for Phase-2 Energization



Nabas, Aklan- The 13.2 MW Phase-2 of PetroWind Energy Inc. (PWEI) Nabas wind power project in Aklan (Phase-2) recently secured critical approvals for energization, a step towards eventual commercial operations. On March 19, 2024, the Independent Energy Market Operator of the Philippines (IEMOP) approved the registration with the Wholesale Energy Spot Market (WESM) of the Phase-2 facility.\

“This WESM registration approval authorizes Phase-2 as an additional facility of PWEI. This came after the successful testing by the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) of the facility’s metering equipment last February and the SCADA testing this March by the National Grid
Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP). We are excited and look forward to the eventual commercial operation of Phase-2,“ declared Dave P. Gadiano, PetroGreen Energy Corp (PGEC) Assistant Vice President for Power Markets.

Phase-2 is the only wind power project in the Visayas grid which secured a 20-year offtake in the first Green Energy Auction of the Department of Energy (DOE) last June 2022.

Following the WESM registration approval, NGCP in turn issued on March 26, 2024 the Certificate of Approval to Connect (CATC) for Phase-2 as a load facility.

“With this approval, PWEI can now energize the new and dedicated 16 MVA Phase-2 substation with feedback power to start the internal technical tests of our VESTAS wind turbines.

Should all go well, grid compliance tests with power export to the grid will soon follow. We thank the DOE, NGCP, IEMOP and ERC for their support in getting us to this milestone, which will lead to new and additional power supply to the Panay sub-grid,” said Paul Elmer C. Morala,
PGEC Vice President for Technical Operations.

A joint venture among PGEC (40%), PGEC’s parent PetroEnergy Resources Corp. (PERC, 20%), and Thailand’s BCPG Public Co. Ltd (40%), PWEI owns, the feed-in-tariff qualified 36 MW Phase- 1 wind power project operating since June 2015 in northern Aklan province straddling the towns of Nabas and Malay. PGEC and PERC are members of the Yuchengco Group of Companies (YGC).