By: Grace Quimpo
My heart bleeds for the suffering of the members of Asosasyon sang Boracay Ati Organization (ABATO) a duly registered group organized by DAR Aklan for its agrarian reform beneficiaries prior to the distribution of CLOA to the indigenuous People (IP) Ati in Boracay island last 2018. Millions of people’s money was spent for the awarding of CLOAs presented by Pres Duterte and millions more were invested by DAR through trainings, construction of green houses , distribution of seeds, farm implements and other livelihood projects for Ati beneficiaries. I speak because I was present during these shenanigans.
After five years, DAR suddenly had change of heart allowing claimants and big businesses to reclaim the lands stating that it is not suitable for agriculture.
The irony of these all is the agency whose mandate is to distribute land to the landless and improve the quality of lives of the agrarian reform beneficiaries is the same that demands the cancellation of CLOA.
Last Palm Sunday, the blue guards of Anchor Land started to fence the area until today when Ati members whose houses were built therein were cordoned off leaving the children in their homes as mothers were not allowed to enter.
I cannot fathom how inhuman and desipicable the acts committed by the guards as ordered by their principal.
Also of DAR personnel who encouraged Ati Boracay to accept the lands only to endure all the hardships, trauma and displacement. Why? Because “Ati man lang sila?” The discrimination and marginalization suffered by the Ati because DAR people are just “following orders from above” are the most inhumane acts from people purportedly claiming to protect the Ati. Betrayal at its best.
Today, Spy Wednesday, as we reflect on the treachery of the modern day Judases we pray, “Please forgive us Jesus whenever we betray you. Most of all, we pray and seek your forgiveness and healing O Lord from this grave sin of betrayal for we do not only do it to you but to those most dearest to us, the poorest, the deprived discriminated and disinfranchised Ati whom we hurt whenever we hand them over to troubles and miseries, to grief and tears and the trauma it brings to the children, mothers and members of the Ati community.”